Looking to print on your window or door?
Window stickers are great for displaying products on sale, new items or services, upcoming products...
It's the smartest and the cheapest method to use your window for advertising.
we provide 4 different types of stickers:
- White vinyl for window: it is used when applying on window from outside
- White vinyl for window: for exterior use, it's best used if you want to keep the view and the light to the outside.
- Clear vinyl for window: can be applied from inside or outside. It's excellent for having light coming in while you still promote your products. Please note, when using this option, the image will be printed on clear stickers and you won't see the colors as saturated as when printing on white vinyl.
- Clear vinyl with white ink: best used to be applied to the inside. It's the perfect option to protect your vinyl without high exposure to the temperature or the sun. When printing white ink underneath, you will be getting a fully saturated decal.
Standard Features:
- Different combination of height and weight sizes: 12", 24", 36", 48", 60", 72", 96"
- Full color (CMYK) or B&W
- Single side
- For a different or size or a custom shape die cut, please send us your request at our custom quote page.
Supported File Types
- Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf)
- Adobe Illustrator (*.ai)